Thursday, 2 April 2015

Overview Of RHEL 7

Linux file System .........Information

:- The Interpreter that executes commands typed as strings
   Ans : Shell

:- The visual cue that indicates an interactive shell is waiting for the user to type a command.
 Ans: Prompt

:- The name of the program to run.
  Ans: Command.

:-  The part of the command line that adjusts the behavior of a command.
 Ans: Option.

:- The part of the command line that specifies the target that the command should on.
 Ans : Argument

:- The hardware display and keyboard used to interact with a system.
 Ans : physical console.

:- One of the multiple logical consoles that can each support an independent login session.
 Ans:Virtual console.

:- An interface that provides a display for output and a keyboard for input to shell session.
 Ans : Terminal.

:-Jump to the beginning of the previous word on the command line.
 Ans:Ctr+left Arrow

:- Separate commands on the same line..
 Ans:  ;

:- Clear form the cursor to the end of the command line
Ans : Ctrl+K.

:- Re-execute a recent command by matching the command name.
 Ans : !string.

:- Shortcut used to complete commands files name and opetions.
 Ans : Tab.

:- Re-execute a specific command in the history list.
 Ans : !number.

:- Jump to the beginning of the commands line.
 Ans : ctrl+a.

:- Display the list of the previous commands.
 Ans : history.

:- Copy the last argument of  previous commands.
 Ans : ESC+.

:- This directory contains static , persistent system configuration data.
 Ans : /etc

:- This is the system's root directory .
 Ans :  /

:- User home directories are located under this directory.
 Ans : /home

:-This is the root account's directory.
 Ans : /root

:- This directory contains dynamic configuration data ,such as FTP and Websites.
: Ans : /var

:- Regular user commands and utilities are located here,
Ans : /usr/bin

:- System administration binaries ,for root use are here.
Ans : /usr/bin

:-Temporary files are stored here.
Ans : /tmp

:- Contains dynamic , non-persistent application run-time data.
Ans : /run

:- Contains installed software programs and libraries .
Ans : /usr

:-List the current user's home directory home directory in simplest syntax , when it is not the current location.
Ans : ls -|~

 :- Return to the current user's home directory
Ans : cd

 : - Determine the absolute path of the current location .
Ans : pwd

:-Return to the most previous working directory working directory.
Ans : cd -

:- Move up two levels from the current location.
Ans : cd../..

:- List the current location with hidden files.
 Ans : ls -a

:- Move to the binaries location from any current location.
Ans : cd /bin

:-Move up to the parent of the current location.
Ans : cd ..

:- Move to the binaries location ,from the root directory .
Ans: cd bin

:- only file names beginning with "b".

:-Only file name ending in "b"

:-only file names where first character is not "b".

:- Only file names at least 3 character in length.

:-only files name that contain a number .

:-only file names that begin with an upper-case letter.

:-Send commands outputs to file ; errore  to different file.
Ans : >file 2>file2

:-Display command output to terminal ,ignore all errors.
Ans :2>dev/null

:-Send output and error to the same new empty file.
Ans :&>file

:-Send output and error to the same file,but preserve exiting file content.
Ans :>>file 2>&1

:-Run command.but throw away all possible terminal displays.
Ans :&>/dev?null

:-Send command output to both the screen and a file at the same time.
Ans : | tee file

: -Run commands send output in a file discard error messages.
 Ans : >file 2 > /dev/null: -

:- A number that identifies the user at the most fundamental level.
 Ans : UID

:- The program that provides the user's command line prompt.
Ans ; login Shell

:- Location of the local group information.
Answer ; /etc/group

:-Location of the user's personal files.
Answer : home directory

:-A number that identifies that group at the most fundamental level.
Answer : GID

:-Location of local user account information.
Answer :/etc/passwd

:-The  fourth field of /etc/passwd.
Answer : Primary group .

:-Process has been stopped.
Answer: T

:-Process has released all its resources except.
Answer: Z

:-Process is running or warning to run on a CPU.
Answer: R

:- Process is sleeping until some conditions is met.
Answer: S

:-Process is waiting for I/O or some condition to be met and must not respond to signals.
Answer : D


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