Friday, 14 November 2014

Linux Redhat 6

Red hat is open source Operation System..
An Operating system is a program that manage computer hardware and software for the user. Os systems were originally designed to perform repetitive hardware tasks, which centered around managing files, running programs and receiving commands from the user. You interact with the Os system through user interface, which allows the Os to receive and interpret instructions sent by the user. You only need to send an instructions to the Os to perform a task, such as reading a file or printing a document. An Os user interface can be as simple as entering commands on a line or as complex as selecting menus and icons on a desktop.

An operating system also manages software application. To perform different tasks, such as editing documents or performing calculations, you need specific software applications. An editor is an example of a software application that enables you to edit to document, making changes and adding new tasks. The editor itself is a program consisting of instructions to be executed by the computer. For the program to be used, it must first be loaded into computer memory, and then its instructions are executed. The Os controls the loading and execution all program, including any software applications. When you want to use an editor, simply instruct the Os to load the editor application and execute it.

File management, program management and user instructions are traditional features common to all Os. Linux, like all version of Unix, adds more features. Linux is a multiuser and multitasking. As it s a multitasking system, you can ask the system to perform several tasks at the same time. While one task is being done, you can work an another. For example, you can edit a file while another file is a printed. You do not have to wait for the other file to finish printing before you edit. As it is a multiuser system, several users can log in to the system at the same time, each interacting with the system through his or her own terminal. 

Duties of the System Administrator

Installing and configuring servers
Installing and configuring application software
Creating and maintaining user accounts
Backing up and restoring files
Monitoring and tuning performance
Configuring a secure system
Using tools to monitor security

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